2025 – Classic Marques Young Driver Academy Programme .

  • The academy is the club’s way to support and encourage new young drivers into competing in sprint and hill climbs in the Classic Marques Speed championship.
  • To be considered, any prospective driver should contact us via the contact page for the details of where to send a brief outline stating why they would like to be considered, their background, their motoring history, and any notable achievements.
  • The Committee will consider all applicants and recommend one lucky person for an award of £500 towards safety equipment, helmet, gloves, race suit etc with remaining money being spent on entry fees.
  • The winner will get a free entry into the Classic Marques Speed Challenge.
  • The winner will also get an entry to one hill climb or sprint paid for by the club.
  • The winner will get a free ticket for two to attend the CMSCC awards dinner.
  • A further bonus, should the winner wish, is to have an existing competitor as a ‘mentor’. The mentor can help with all those questions a new competitor might have with regards to licences, entry forms, regulation compliance, scrutineering, and general preparation of one’s sprint/ hill climb car.
  • It is not permitted to spend the money on car performance improvements.
  • To be considered the applicant should be able to enter in a car appropriate to the CMSCC championship regulations and not have competed in hill climb or sprints before. In return the chosen competitor must agree to take part in a minimum of 8 events and write an article for the oily rag during their academy year detailing their exploits, highs and lows and general experiences as a new competitor.